
rotten old oil tank removal 2Removing an outside oil tank can be as easy as disconnecting the lines, sealing opening and wheeling the tank a short distance away to our truck, to  be disposed.

This isn’t always the case. Many times, even an outside tank can be a challenge. It may be down a ravine, under some stairs, cemented into the pad and the list goes on.

Call for a free estimate.



Flat tank removal 1An inside oil tank can be tricky but not impossible.  We use clean drop sheets, when needed and take care not to damage anything your home.  Sometimes a door frame will need to be removed to get the tank out but that doesn’t happen very often.

Since oil tanks were usually installed when the house was built the tank may be behind a wall, in a crawl space or in a crowded storage area.  To save time and money, we would ask the homeowner to remove any items that would be in the way of removing the tank.  Sometimes cutting the tank is the only option but we will ensure all the remaining oil and sludge is removed before attempting to remove the tank.